Help for carers

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid. It can be difficult for carers to see their caring role as separate from the relationship they have with the person for whom they care, whether that relationship is as a parent, child, sibling, partner, or a friend.

Caring for someone can be rewarding, exhausting and sometimes overwhelming. If you provide care to a family member or friend please let your GP practice know, so that you can get the help and support that is available to you in Rutland.

If your GP practice knows you are a carer, it helps you and the person you care for by:

  • A carer’s assessment which may help to provide support and respite and see whether you are eligible for carer’s allowance.
  • Making contingency plans for the person that you care for, in the event of you being unwell or unable to continue.
  • Recording your details as a contact for the person you care for and recording their consent so that we can talk to you about their healthcare if they want us to.
  • Priority access to vaccinations, including flu and Covid-19.
  • A Carer’s Passport, which can be used as a free ID card, to allow you priority access to supermarket slots in vulnerable time slots, access medicines and identify you as a carer in emergency situations.
  • An annual health check with your GP practice.
Useful resources for carers
Mental health support

24 hour urgent mental health support 0808 800 3302.

NHS counselling